Today's Video Share: "Petal of A Rose" by Emily Glazener

"I wrote "Petal Of A Rose" about reflecting on the moments before, during, and after my husband’s passing. Mourning can, at times take years and in those years, you peel back and reflect small moments that become your sweetest memories. I remember holding the roses left in the ground from my husband’s funeral. Knowing, as I sat there his flag would be passed down to my children, who were so young that they wouldn’t remember the sound of his voice. A voice that I heard and my life was changed forever. I remember the sound of silence when his oxygen was shut off in the house, I remember each child spending their last day with him. My story is very similar to people who has experienced loss. I celebrate these memories because they will carry me and my children through the rest of our lives." - Emily Glazener

Twitter Handle: emily_glazener