Today's Video Share: "Neon Moon (Reimagined)" by Marianne Kesler

Neon Moon (Reimagined) is song 6 in the Pear in the Pink Thing (Reimagined) series on my YouTube channel!
The storyline was triggered by 3 varied life experiences but came together as a lyric taking a look at how the human race continues to search for deeper wisdom (a northern star) even amidst our intricate technological world. Original thumbnail and visual content in order of appearance by artists from : Ruvim, Frank Cone, Stan "Kenzo" K, Mikhail Nilov, Arthouse Studio, cottonbro, Alan W, Pixabay, Rostislav Uzunov, Magda Ehlers, StefWithAnF, Saeid Anvar, José Lizardo, Pixabay, Sosa Films, George Morina, 岩切 えるり, cottonbro, Ivan Samkov, and Designecologist.

Twitter Handle: mariannekesler